Tag Archives: Zacharias

14. John the Forerunner – The Conception


14. John the Forerunner – The Conception

Monday was the day we remember the Conception of John the Baptist. I was reading through the beginning of Luke with my Family and we had a lot of good discussions.

One thing we noticed was that An Angel, Namely Gabriel came to share the news of many of the miraculous and/or sudden conceptions. An Angel visited Joachim and Anna, Elizabeth and Zacharias as well as Mary and Joseph. On top of that, as mentioned in the Orthodox Study Bible, Rebekah, Hannah and Rachel were also barren then had children to fulfill God’s plan. It was considered a “reproach” as mentioned in v25 to be barren. In a way this was an earthly trial to humble these servants. I can only imagine not having a child, and not only being childless but being old enough to assume I would never have children, and then being approached by an Angel of God. This would open up my eyes really quickly as to the power of God. It is too often that I know that I take things for granted in my life and I forget the fact that God’s hand governs the events as well as the willingness to humble myself before God.

Another interesting topic came up. (Quick reminder I am not a scholar). When Zacharias was muted after his response to the Angel the question came up in comparison to Mary. Zacharias asks “How Shall I know this? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years” (v. 18). The Angel responds saying that “because you did not believe my words” you will be mute. Mary asks “how can this be?”. The OSB states that this is more of a inquiry rather than a lack of faith. On top of this God can see into our hearts. God knows everything about our questions, our answers, our actions and our intentions. This is something I need to work on and prayer about more regularly. Being willing to accept God’s will and the miracles and turns that may and will happen in my life. Anything is possible through God.

Another thing that I pondered in relation to this is the fact that God muted Zacharias to make the Birth of John more powerful! Zacharias showed faith in the naming of John and suddenly his voice returned and the people of Judea were “filled with fear”. They knew this was a miracle and something to be taken and pondered in their hearts. God used this as a way to teach others and show the power of God as well as to teach humility and trust to Zacharias himself. What was told to him by the Angel was true.

We also had a discussion of the fact that in v 15 it is mentioned “He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb”. John, who will be the person to baptize Christ and many others, calling the Holy Spirit to dwell within in those baptized, is filled with the Holy Spirit before before birth. We found this amazing and a great connection in the story.

Holy Saint John that prophesied the presence of Christ through your leaping in the womb please pray for us and help us to follow the path that you helped pave.


Orthodox Dad in America