Tag Archives: birthday

15. Mary, the Mother of God and her choices

Yesterday was Mary’s Birthday. a Day to reflect on Mary and her role in the salvation of the world. I was reading the children’s book of Mary and it was, first of all, great to have that book in our library so that I CAN read it to my kids. I found it very interesting that both Mary and her mother were approached by an Angel prior to becoming pregnant.


The part that is even more fascinating to me is that Mary always had free will. She CHOSE to be obedient to God. Imagine how scary this would have been. You will become pregnant, bearing the Song of God and he will save the world! All the while, carrying and giving birth to a baby while being young and unwed. She had amazing faith and courage and was trusting of God’s plan and opened her heart to his Love.

“Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38)

Oh Mary the example you have set before us. Mary is a standard bearer and someone we should emulate in our daily lives. How many times have I gone through the day have not focused on God. Mary had found favor as the bible says, for some reason. Probably because of her love even before being asked to carry the savior of the world, Jesus, in her womb.

Multiple times throughout the bible (including by Angels) Mary is called “blessed among women”. We must celebrate her and the examples she set.

Happy birthday Mary and let us not forget these examples and may God mercifully help us to always remember.



Orthodox Dad in America